Sunday, August 3, 2014

Meet my neighbor, Emerson, the Cat!

I'm so lucky to have such wonderful neighbors on my street.  One of my neighbors is a cat.  His name is Emerson, and he loves when I walk by his house.  Some times he'll come and roll on his back on the sidewalk - right in front of me.  Most of the times, I'll walk over to say hello to him, but I always keep my distance:

As you know, my family got me when I was older, but they've figured out one of my secrets:  I'm afraid of cats.  I admit it:  I think cats can hurt me, and I don't want to get hurt.  I'm getting braver around Emerson, the Cat, but that's because he's always nice to me - even then, I still approach slowly without making eye contact.

Like I always say, play your cards safe, especially around cats or dogs you don't know.  You don't want to get hurt - that's a smart decision to take care of yourself.  People always ask my Mom if they can pet me.  She never actually asks me; she just says "yes."  That's because she knows that I'm a well-behaved and gentle dog when I'm on my leash.  If you want to say hello to me, I would be so happy, especially since you read my blog.  Just remember my excellent advice:  be careful and stay safe, around unknown animals or people.  Ask an adult first to make sure it's o.k.

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