Thursday, June 26, 2014

The Bad Guy

Every morning my Mom takes me for a walk.  I LOVE my walks because I LOVE to check out what's new.  Well, sometimes we see the BAD GUY:

Now I don't know the BAD GUY's name, I just know when he's there - even before I see him.  I can smell the BAD GUY - even when it's dark in the morning.  I just know he's there so I pull my Mom across the street or I try to escape.  I don't want the BAD GUY to come near me.  This is how I look when I see the BAD GUY:

When the BAD GUY is around, I cry, snort and pull on my leash.  Also, I put my tail between my legs because I'm that scared of the BAD GUY.  This is what the BAD GUY says every time he sees me:

"I see you over there.  I don't get it.  I have 2 dogs of my own.  Dogs love me.  I just don't get it."

Oh, well, I don't get it either, I just know he's the BAD GUY, and I don't want him near me.

Like I always say, you're not going to like everyone, but you do have to be respectful.  I'm respectful - I just mind my own business.  That's just what you have to do some times.  I've had a LOT of practice minding my own business when it comes to the BAD GUY.  Of course, if he gave me a treat, I might consider going near him.  At least, it would be a start....

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