Thursday, October 10, 2013

Terrific - Tanner, the Dog, is guest blogging!

Hello!  I am so excited to announce that Tanner, the dog, is my newest guest blogger!  I LOVE HAVING A GUEST DOG BLOGGER!  Plus, he is so cute - don't you just love the way he looks?  I would love to meet him myself.  Here's his picture:

Here's what Tanner has to say:

HI! My name is Tanner. I am a cockapoo. I don't really like my breed name. Can you guess why? Yes, because it has the word "poo" in it. Gross me out! I am a mixture between a Poodle and a Cocker Spaniel. I am very soft and I don't shed because I have hair instead of fur. My family likes that I don't shed. I was named after the Woburn Tanner's.
Do you have something that you just love so much? I do! It's my red thing-a-ma-jig. I love to play with it in my paws and chew on it. My mom will sometimes throw it so I can go fetch it too! My red thing-a-ma-jig just makes me so happy! I also have a secret. When my family leaves for the day I sneak up on the big, yellow, comfy chair in my living room. It is my favorite place to rest while I wait for them to come home. I'm not allowed on any furniture in my home so I hope I don't get caught one of these days. My comfy place makes me feel so good! Is there a comfy place in your home that makes you happy?
My mom works at your school. She always talks about how working with the kids and teachers at the Goodyear School makes her so happy! Can you guess who she is?


Wow, Tanner can't go on the furniture!  I'm glad that my family lets me go on the furniture so I can leave lots of black fur and dirt wherever I sit. 

Like I always say, every family and dog are different, and that's ok.  It's important that we accept and respect our differences.  As you can tell, Tanner and I are VERY DIFFERENT, but I still think he's awesome for sharing his story with me.  I love seeing how other dogs live.  The most important thing is that all of us dogs, are happy wherever we are because we love our lives and our families.  I hope you do, too.

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